Sunday, April 28, 2013

Non-Toxic Shampoo - For Safety Hair & Scalp

Non-Toxic Shampoo, produk bebas toxic, bersih dan selamat kerana dicipta drpd bahan2 natural yg dikenalpasti baik dan selamat utk tubuh; serta bebas drpd kandungan bahan kimia berbahaya SLS & lemak haiwan. Ia hasil karya saintis yg mengambil berat hal kesihatan & keselamatan pengguna. Awal pemakaian, ianya mampu menyingkir toxic yg terlekat pd rambut & kulit kepala, seterusnya mengurangkan kelemumur dan mengurangkan keguguran rambut. Penggunaan berterusan menguatkan daya tahan rambut, membuatkan rambut lebih bermaya, mudah diurus, rapi, tidak kembang dan bertambah cantik serta menyihatkan akar rambut supaya tumbuh lebih sihat, cantik menjadi ikal mayang. Produk ini nyata selamat digunakan, tidak pedihkan mata, selamat utk bayi dan kanak2 serta seisi keluarga, dan juga baik utk kesihatan rambut & tubuh secara keseluruhan.
Ianya sangat sesuai utk wanita bertudung kerana mengurangkan kerengsaan kulit kepala & mengatasi masalah keguguran rambut dan sgt berharga utk wanita yg mementingkan kecantikan rambut kerana rambut adalah mahkota wanita!
Agent seluruh Malaysia diperlukan. PM me.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

5 simple health tips

Love Lavender

To ease stress and prepare for bed, soak in a hot bath spiked with a few drops of lavender essential oil. Play soothing music while you bathe to unwind further.

Go for Garlic

Adding raw or lightly cooked garlic and onions to your meals may help keep you healthy. Both foods appear to possess antiviral and antibacterial properties and are believed to boost immunity.

Befriend a Bottle

For heel and arch pain, try stretching your foot by rolling it over a rolling pin or a bottle.

Eat Japanese Food

In addition to following good dental hygiene, you can help prevent cavities by adding more shiitake mushrooms and wasabi to your diet. Both foods contain compounds that help fight the bacteria that cause plaque and cavities

Watch Your Carbs

Trying to reduce belly fat? Pay attention to your carbohydrate intake and avoid artificial sweeteners. Sugary snacks and other refined carbs spike blood sugar and cause pounds to settle in your midsection. Choose whole grains, beans, and vegetables instead

Improve Memory

Sniff Rosemary

According to some research, catching a whiff of this aromatic herb may increase alertness and improve memory. To stay sharp, try smelling fresh rosemary or inhaling the scent of rosemary essential oil before a test or meeting

For nasal & chest problem - Use Ginger

Enjoy Ginger

The volatile oils in ginger have long made it a useful herbal remedy for nasal and chest congestion. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over a 1-inch piece of peeled, grated ginger; steep for 10 minutes; and strain. Add a pinch or two of cayenne pepper to the water and drink as needed.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Beauty Taught - Beauty At Heart..

Wanita berlumba-lumba untuk cantik, tetapi kecantikan wanita yang sebenar adalah yang pertama pada hatinya dengan mempunyai nilai-nilai mulia- baik, tidak menganiaya, tidak cemburu, mengutamakan orang lain, dsb. Ia kemudian disulami dengan tutur kata dan perwatakan yang manis, bersopan dan berhemah

Lalu peribadi itu terhias indah dengan wajah yang cantik dan molek kerana wajah yang cantik molek sahaja bukan pakej lengkap untuk sebaik-baik wanita. Wanita yang dilahirkan cantik pula mempunyai tanggungjawab yang berat, dugaan yang besar dan jika ianya tidak dijaga dan dikawal, akan memusnahkan diri sendiri.

Tidak kira jenama make-up, pakaian atau aksesori, 'hati' yang cantik dan bersih adalah kecantikan sebenar-benar bagi seorang wanita untuk manusia yang tahu menilai...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Avoid Allergic - Test Your Product

We've found a good article at and would love to share the info with you beauties. 

# simple step by step instructions on how to perform a patch test on your skin to avoid allergic reaction to make-up.

 (Uji produk rangkaian peribadi anda sebelum membeli untuk mengetahui samada ianya serasi atau alergik dengan kulit anda ataupun tidak. )

 1. The Product

Request a free sample of a natural or organic beauty product made with vegetable-based ingredients.
If the retailer refuses to provide a sample, request a small amount in container. Explain that you would like to see if you are allergic to the product before buying it. Hint that you are interested in buying the product, and the retailer should oblige!
When making homemade beauty cosmetics, patch test all new ingredients by making a paste with a small amount of water and following the directions below.

(Dapatkan sampel produk dan nyatakan anda mahu menguji tahap alergik anda kepada produk yang ingin dibeli terlebih dahulu ataupun jika tiada sampel ambil amaun yang sedikit dan letak dalam bekas.)

2. The Prep
  • Wash a small area on the inside of your arm near your elbow. Wipe it clean.
  • Apply a small amount of the product using a spatula or dull table knife. Rub the product into your skin.
  • Cover the area of application with a waterproof adhesive bandage. Choose a bandage with adhesive area all around the edge, not just the sides. While not ideal, wear a long-sleeve shirt if you don't have an adhesive bandage instead.
(Sampai di rumah, basuh bersih lengan bahagian dalam siku, sapukan sedikit amaun produk dengan spatula (alat yang digunakan untuk menyucuk lidah oleh doktor), jika tiada gunakan sudu juga boleh, dan gosok produk tersebut pada kulit. Tutup kawasan tersebut dengan bandage kalis air, jika tiada pakai t-shirt lengan panjang. )
3. The Skin
  • Remove bandage or shirt after 24 hours.
  • If skin becomes irritated, pour whole milk over application area. The milk's fat will help to remove the product.
  • Examine skin for any redness, itching, or blemishes. These visible signs — plus any itchy or irritable sensations — indicate that you are allergic to something in the product.
  • If your skin is clear and comfortable, you're safe to use the product.
  • If you seem to be reacting to the product, you can either repeat the patch test to double-check, or take a single test as proof that the product is not right for you.
(Tanggalkan bandage selepas 24 jam. Jika kulit iritasi, tuangkan susu ke atasnya. Jika kulit anda kemerah-merahan, gatal-gatal, maknyanya anda tidak serasi dengan produk tersebut. )

Future Considerations

  • Take note of the product's active ingredients, which are always listed first. You may be allergic to one of these ingredients.
  • Research active ingredients on the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Reviews Database for further information that may shed some light on your reaction.
  • If you do have an allergic reaction, avoid using products listing potentially irritating ingredients.
  • Take note of the brand, which may use the same active ingredients throughout all products.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Secret On Reduce Weight

Secret or Reality?

Secret is not really a secret but do you notice beauties, to actually reduce weight, a very hard way but efficient to do is 'exercise'. Other than you get your slimmer bodies back, you are also bless with a good health.

To support your hardest exercise activities as ruitine to do, here a simple but also a difficult tip to follow for someone :

1) Drink lots of mineral water. Y? because mineral makes your metabolism faster and it actually flush away a bad toxic from  food that we took everyday. Ia juga memudahkan sistem pelawasan setiap hari.
2) Avoid carbohidrat yang banyak seperti nasi dan roti.

 3) Some goes to slimmer center, it is good for those who discipline enough. You can try your luck.
4) People say, your junk food between meals is only fruits and cookies
5) Memakai gurdle is one of effective ways to get figure glass look. We got friend who wear good quality gurdle and she maintain her look like 20 years ago...............y not? Gurdle yang baik adalah daripada jenama Beautiful, Cosry dan Splandex
6) By walking walking walking at least 30 minutes a day and stairs climbing to firm your muscle.
7) Aerobic or dancing twice a week is a good and interesting hobbies to follow. Yoga sebelum ia menjadi isu adalah 'rahsia' pengekalan berat badan yang unik.
8) Lakukan senaman di atas katil sebaik bangun dari tidur dengan sit-up dan senama kaki ibarat mengayuh basikal ke atas (trust us this is a really good way to reduce your bump)
9) Do not take heavy meal at night of course
10)And for married couples, sex is the best way to get a good body shape.

All the best beauties!

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