Please don't forget to bring your make-up during holiday, or else you wont get back your lovely skin after holiday!
It’s not only ultra-light and evens skintone but it's also an oil-free way of getting your anti-oxidant, anti-irritant, anti-pollution and anti-UV protection in one
A lighter, fresher alternative to your foundation in warmer climes is a tinted moisturiser.
Cover up your skintone with a hint of colour whilst protecting from sun damage.
If you do need to cover blemishes, you can’t mix in a thick, chalky concealer on top of nearly-bare skin - it’ll stick out like a (flaky) sore thumb.
Waterproof is the key.
If you want to add a little more definition to your bronzer-embellished lids, add pen liner, it won’t budge, but is easily blended for a smoky eye.
Protect your lips on holiday - and not just in the sun.
On top of UV damage that delicate skin will also dry out in the heat, so keep them moisturised day and night.
-A hair and scalp protector is essential - not only do UV rays damage your skin and hair irreparably, but they can also alter the colour and texture. Once you’re back from the beach, it’s tempting to surround yourself with all your usual styling tools and products. But unless you’re happy to leave all your clothes and shoes at home, it’s impossible.
It is best to protect your skin from sun exposure before you leave the hotel or even at the beach. Choose SPF 50 and above for more better resutl.